Bugfixes N Saves!

The super major update:

- The terminal will be discontinued and deleted at the release.

Alright Bugfixes and updates:

- Editing a file (not variable, but you can do that with var then your variable name, and boom!)

- RNVAR (command) is added to rename variables.

- No more spaces in variable names because of saving, and also fixed a variable bug when you make it None (by pressing the cancel button)

-You can now return to terminal when your on the gui. And also you can return to the gui in the terminal.

- 2 easter eggs. But why would I tell you? Hah. No one can find the easter egg.

The next one is about putting a new game in it. (Like Convergame!) Its gonna be about asfasdigaifdyafgidgyiafgsidgfayisdgfiasgdyifagsiydgfyiagsdiyfgaiysdgfiyagsdifgaysidgfiagysdifgaisdfasdyiysdydydydydyud

Also the next one might be in HCWS, but in Windows aswell.


Beta Save 28 MB
Dec 30, 2021

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